Entrepreneurship Simplified For Small Businesses Course.

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What you’ll learn

  • You will learn the six most critical pillars of starting a small business, which include finding what your customer wants, developing affordable products, establishing marketing and distribution channels, building trust with a customer, and designing a profitable business model.
  • You will have a clear blueprint to kick-start your small business from the ground up.
  • You will clearly understand how to research your customer’s pain-point and frustrations.
  • You will clearly understand how to develop your small business’s profitable niche.
  • You will have a basic but clear understanding of how to develop an affordable product for your customer.
  • You will have an in-depth understanding of how to market and sell your product to a customer
  • You will clearly understand how to develop trust with a new customer and generate your first sales
  • You will clearly understand how to develop a profitable business model and generate more revenue.


  • Before you purchase this course, please make sure to read the course description and watch the free preview videos. Make sure that this content is what you are looking for; if not, you still have 30 days to refund your money!
  • This course focuses mainly on small businesses with a physical product, however the same principles can apply to all kind of small businesses.
  • The course is packed with visuals and examples, a lot to cover in 150 mins, so you need to be 100% in focus, no multitasking! Make sure to grab a notebook and a cup of a drink that you desire.
  • This course will NOT be talking about the legal structure of how to register a company.
  • This course will NOT be talking about how to find investors.
  • This course will NOT be talking about how to make a minimum viable product.


Note: this course focuses primarily on the most critical aspects of kick-starting a profitable small business. If you are looking for a more detailed business skills course, please check my business fundamentals for a small business crash course.

Starting a profitable small business isn’t a simple task, to be honest with you, most starting entrepreneurs don’t get it right, they get distracted with all minor details that don’t get profitable results and that’s why they fail in business.

In this course, we will eliminate all the non-sense and non-measurable theories that don’t drive any proven results and focus on six primary pillars that will get your business to profitability.

Foremost, you need to understand that the primary job of an entrepreneur is to create products and services that customers want, then sell those solutions to a buying customer and generate profit. No less, no more, it’s that simple.

Therefore, you should not distract yourself with minor details that don’t matter to the bottom line of your business.

Successful entrepreneurs rely on the following six pillars to build a successful business:

Finding what the customer wants:

The most important pillar of starting a business is understanding what a buying customer wants to buy. Without having the right product-market fit, you won’t find a buying customer which will cause your effort and resources to end in the garbage totally wasted.

In this course, we will look at the primary reasons people make a buying decision and dig deep into people’s daily challenges, then find what problems do people must solve to advance in their life, and here where the gold is, my friend!

I will also walk you through the process of how to niche your solution so you can focus your effort on a small group of customers and make the most profit rather than spreading your business way too thin getting no noticeable results.

Developing an affordable solution:

The second most important pillar for building a profitable business is to find out how you can develop a solution at a price point a customer can afford.

Imagine that you have created the best solution for a customer but they can’t afford it then what is the point of your solution? You have failed as an entrepreneur to solve the customer problem even if you got the solution right.

Affordable doesn’t mean cheap, it just means that it suits your customer and that’s where you will learn in this course which group of customers you have to target to make the most profit as a small business without sacrificing your margins.

I will also teach you how to find the competitive market price of your solution then reverse engineer the cost of making a product, from there we will look at two primary methods of how to develop a product the customer can afford and make sense to your business in terms of cost, production efficiency and profit.

Establishing marketing channels:

The third most important pillar of starting a small business is to understand which marketing methods are the fastest, most cost-effective, and results-driven for marketing a small business on a small budget, it’s during this phase most small businesses get lost in small details and overspend on marketing tactics that make no sales.

In this course, you will get a special treat from me with marketing. I will provide you with tons of examples and tactics and strategies on how you can market your solution and generate your first sales.

You will also get a bonus video from my best-selling marketing course and get to learn all the strategies and tactics of how to plan for your marketing automated systems and funnel.


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